LiNbO_3-doped Fe crystal ( Fe: LN) was grown by using crystal pulling technology ( CZ method). The effect of phase conjugation of the Fe: LN crystal was measured. 采用提拉法生长掺铁铌酸锂(Fe∶LN)晶体,测试了Fe∶LN晶体的位相共轭效应。
Growth of photorefractive crystal KTN by flux pulling method 熔盐提拉法生长光折变晶体K(Ta,Nb)O3
In the paper the growth equipmen, instruments and technical conditions for growing greater size Nd: YAG crystal by mid-frequency inductively heating and pulling method are introduced. 本文介绍了中频感应加热提拉法生长Nd:YAG晶体所需要的设备、仪器与工艺条件。
Domain structure of the near-stoichiometric LiNbO_3 crystal grown by double-crucible pulling method and cut along its each direction is analyzed in this paper. The domain structure was observed by naked eyes and microphotography after the crystal was etched with acid. 本文对采用双坩埚提拉法生长的近化学计量比LiNbO3晶体沿其各向切块腐蚀后通过直接观察和在金相显微镜下观察,对其各个面的畴结构进行了分析。
Effect of the Composition Volatility on the Crystal Grown by the Melt Pulling Method 组分挥发对熔体提拉法晶体生长的影响
The Exposing Planes and Crystal Data of Bi_4Ge_3O_ ( 12) Grown by the Pulling Method 提拉法生长Bi4Ge3O(12)单晶显露面和晶体数据
Single Crystal Growth of Bismuth Triiodide by Sublimation-pulling Method 升华&提拉法生长碘化铋单晶